Why would I need a town planning consultant ?
There are various benefits in engaging an experienced planner. We have helped our clients in the following ways:
- Early advice as to the suitability of proposed development to the site.
- We advise on the best approval pathway, whether it be Council DA or Certifier Complying Development.
- We can advise on modifications to design to dramatically improve chances of success in obtaining planning approval. We've based our name on it !
- We translate industry jargon into plain English, help you all the way to approval and have a large network of professionals who can assist with various specialisations.
- We can deal with Council so you don't have to.
What are BASIX certifications and NatHERS ratings ?
In NSW, we have a mandatory sustainability standard that must be met with certain residential developments.
The NSW State Government developed a system known as BASIX which sets down minimum requirements relating to Water conservation and Energy conservation (collectively known as building sustainability).
BASIX is a certification tool which applies to new dwellings (including apartments, dual occupancies, granny flats etc). It also applies to additions to residences costing $50,000 or more. New residential swimming pools that exceed 40,000 L are also Basix Affected Building works.
BASIX certification is required to accompany a Development Application or Certifier Complying Development Application. We have issued literally thousands of BASIX certificates since the inception of the BASIX system in 2004.
For new dwellings, a section in BASIX relates to "Thermal Comfort". This is increasingly more difficult to pass, however, as we are accredited energy assessors, we are permitted to utilise specialised software (Accredited NatHERS software) to overcome the Thermal Comfort hurdle in BASIX. We are accredited to use CSIRO developed software AccuRATE to produce a NatHERS Rating.
A NatHERS rating essentially predicts the amount of energy residential occupants will need to use to maintain comfortable living conditions in terms of space heating and cooling, moisture extraction and ventilation. It is a measure of the "bare bones" building as it has been designed as opposed to use of appliances. NatHERS ratings consider building materials, insulation, glazing performance, climate zone, building orientation, shading devices, overshadowing structures and many other factors. We have been providing NatHERS ratings since 2002 and have seen development of rating tools make quantum leaps in terms of complexity and accuracy. Exciting times.
As Accredited Assessors, we can provide NatHERS ratings across Australia. States and Territories outside of NSW do not have a BASIX system, they generally rely on the "star rating" system that NatHERS also provides. So, if you are chilling in Melbourne or sweating it out in Cairns, we can still provide you with a NatHERS rating.
The NSW State Government developed a system known as BASIX which sets down minimum requirements relating to Water conservation and Energy conservation (collectively known as building sustainability).
BASIX is a certification tool which applies to new dwellings (including apartments, dual occupancies, granny flats etc). It also applies to additions to residences costing $50,000 or more. New residential swimming pools that exceed 40,000 L are also Basix Affected Building works.
BASIX certification is required to accompany a Development Application or Certifier Complying Development Application. We have issued literally thousands of BASIX certificates since the inception of the BASIX system in 2004.
For new dwellings, a section in BASIX relates to "Thermal Comfort". This is increasingly more difficult to pass, however, as we are accredited energy assessors, we are permitted to utilise specialised software (Accredited NatHERS software) to overcome the Thermal Comfort hurdle in BASIX. We are accredited to use CSIRO developed software AccuRATE to produce a NatHERS Rating.
A NatHERS rating essentially predicts the amount of energy residential occupants will need to use to maintain comfortable living conditions in terms of space heating and cooling, moisture extraction and ventilation. It is a measure of the "bare bones" building as it has been designed as opposed to use of appliances. NatHERS ratings consider building materials, insulation, glazing performance, climate zone, building orientation, shading devices, overshadowing structures and many other factors. We have been providing NatHERS ratings since 2002 and have seen development of rating tools make quantum leaps in terms of complexity and accuracy. Exciting times.
As Accredited Assessors, we can provide NatHERS ratings across Australia. States and Territories outside of NSW do not have a BASIX system, they generally rely on the "star rating" system that NatHERS also provides. So, if you are chilling in Melbourne or sweating it out in Cairns, we can still provide you with a NatHERS rating.
Do I need to go through Council ?
We get this question a lot.
It depends on what you are intending to build and particulars of your site (eg land zoning, bushfire hazards and more).
We consider 3 options:
1. Exempt Development - no formal approval required, however, you may need assistance in ensuring criteria will be met
2. Complying Development - no need to go through Council if you do not wish to, an Accredited Certifier can be engaged
3. Development Application - to be lodged with Council (or sometimes another Consent Authority in rarer cases)
Our task will be to advise you the options available to you for your proposed development.
It depends on what you are intending to build and particulars of your site (eg land zoning, bushfire hazards and more).
We consider 3 options:
1. Exempt Development - no formal approval required, however, you may need assistance in ensuring criteria will be met
2. Complying Development - no need to go through Council if you do not wish to, an Accredited Certifier can be engaged
3. Development Application - to be lodged with Council (or sometimes another Consent Authority in rarer cases)
Our task will be to advise you the options available to you for your proposed development.
What is Complying Development ?
Complying Development is an approval pathway which is available across NSW as an alternative to the traditional Council Development Application process.
There are numerous Complying Development codes available depending on the type of building work proposed and the location of the development site.
Generally, a CD code (or Policy as they are called) will involve very specific criteria and full compliance with the entire code is required to utilise the CD approval pathway. If your architect or building designer provides us with a sketch or concept we can check whether it will suit CD, even if minor modifications can be made which will save time in Council and approval related costs.
Once we can determine the development proposal is fully compliant with a CD code, we will transfer the application to an Accredited Certifier for their assessment and issue the building certification known as a Complying Development Certificate. Council will receive a copy of the CDC for public record and building works can commence once pre commencement conditions are met.
We specialise in CD consulting and have helped our clients and Certifiers with the technical aspects of ensuring proper assessment of numerous CD codes.
There are numerous Complying Development codes available depending on the type of building work proposed and the location of the development site.
Generally, a CD code (or Policy as they are called) will involve very specific criteria and full compliance with the entire code is required to utilise the CD approval pathway. If your architect or building designer provides us with a sketch or concept we can check whether it will suit CD, even if minor modifications can be made which will save time in Council and approval related costs.
Once we can determine the development proposal is fully compliant with a CD code, we will transfer the application to an Accredited Certifier for their assessment and issue the building certification known as a Complying Development Certificate. Council will receive a copy of the CDC for public record and building works can commence once pre commencement conditions are met.
We specialise in CD consulting and have helped our clients and Certifiers with the technical aspects of ensuring proper assessment of numerous CD codes.
I need to lodge a Development Application (DA). What's the process ?
If Exempt Development or Complying Development is not available to you for any reason, a Council Development Application will be required in majority of cases.
The DA process will involve:
Preparing the DA
DA at Council
The DA is lodged and Council's planners (assessment officers) will assess the application. This generally involves:
Construction Certificates
Our scope generally concludes once development consent has been obtained (although we are always available to further assist as required) but a Construction Certificate (CC) needs to be obtained from an Accredited Certifier.
An Accredited Certifier can be a private certifier or a council certifier. You have the choice to appoint your Certifier as you see fit. We are happy to recommend a Certifier based on your development type and locality. Your appointed Certifier, called a Principal Certifying Authority (or PCA) will monitor specific stages of construction through inspections and when development is satisfactorily completed, they will issue an Occupation Certificate signalling the conclusion of the development.
The DA process will involve:
Preparing the DA
- Arranging a Survey plan in most cases
- Arranging architectural or building design plans
- Estimating a development cost (generally by a builder or architect/building designer)
- Property owners providing consent to us to lodge a DA on their behalf
- Selection of external colours and building materials
- Stormwater drainage design
- Arborist report if removing trees
- Preparation of a Statement of Environmental Effects (we provide and forms the backbone of the DA)
- Other specialist reports if your site is affected by certain matters including bushfire, flood, heritage, biodiversity, geotechnical challenges and others. We advise you of these issues early in the engagement so consultants can work concurrently where possible.
DA at Council
The DA is lodged and Council's planners (assessment officers) will assess the application. This generally involves:
- Notification to neighbours. Often a period of 2-3 weeks is made available for neighbours to comment on the proposal (called Submissions).
- The Assessment Officer may request additional information which we review and advise, or provide if it is Planning or BASIX related.
- In some cases, if the Assessment Officer is not satisfied with the proposal as it may involve non compliances with controls (called "variations") they often communicate and work with us to resolve the issues which may require modifications to the design or provision of further information. It is very unusual to have an application refused outright without warning for our engagements.
- Once approval has been granted (called "Development Consent") the next step is obtaining a Construction Certificate (CC).
Construction Certificates
Our scope generally concludes once development consent has been obtained (although we are always available to further assist as required) but a Construction Certificate (CC) needs to be obtained from an Accredited Certifier.
An Accredited Certifier can be a private certifier or a council certifier. You have the choice to appoint your Certifier as you see fit. We are happy to recommend a Certifier based on your development type and locality. Your appointed Certifier, called a Principal Certifying Authority (or PCA) will monitor specific stages of construction through inspections and when development is satisfactorily completed, they will issue an Occupation Certificate signalling the conclusion of the development.